Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD)
<p style="text-align: justify;">Energy is one of the basic components upon which the development and progress of the modern civilization depend. The Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development (IESD) of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET) was established by a resolution of the 199th meeting of BUET Syndicate held on 4 November 1984. The IESD aims at promoting education and research, organizing seminars, symposia, training workshops, short courses and outreach programs, and publishing journal, monographs, and books on energy related interdisciplinary matters. These include among others identification of the conventional (e.g. gas, coal), non-conventional (e.g. biomass, biogas) and renewable (e.g. solar, wind, hydro) resources of energy in Bangladesh, and addressing the contemporary policy, socio-economic, environmental and engineering concerns in relation to efficient conversion of the identified resources into end-usable forms (i.e. thermal/mechanical and electrical energy) and efficient supply, utilization and conservation of energy. The statute for the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development was approved in the 326th meeting of BUET Syndicate held on 24 February 1998. The Director of the Institute of Energy and Sustainable Development, appointed by the BUET Syndicate, is responsible for leading all the administrative and technical activities of IESD, and accountable to the Vice Chancellor of BUET.</p>