Appropriate Technology (IAT)
<h5 style="text-align: justify;">The Institute of Appropriate Technology (IAT), BUET is one of the oldest institutes of Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology. The Syndicate of BUET has made resolution on 2nd June 1980 to establish IAT. The syndicate had taken initiative based on a decision of the Government of Bangladesh as the Government felt the need for establishment of an Institution to support development of national indigenous capability in selection, generation and dissemination of technologies appropriate to the national development objectives of Bangladesh. The main objectives of the institute were focused to Post Graduate program, conducting short courses and training program for industrial personnel and doing research and development (R&D) to address various needs pertaining to required technologies and technology policies of the country. In course of time, the institute has become a leading organization in the country in indigenous R&D, teaching and training on technology issues, industrial issues, management and development. To achieve the above aims and objectives, the Institute performs the following activities under two wings, namely Academic Wing, and System and Support Wings.</h5><br/><p> </p>