Department Of
Concrete Laboratory


It is situated on the ground floor of the Civil Engineering Building, just beside the Structures and Materials Lab., having a floor area of 6,000 sqft. Routine strength tests of various materials like concrete, brick, cement etc. are carried out in the Concrete Laboratory as per the relevant standards. On-site nondestructive strength evaluation is also conducted. Four compression testing machines with capacities of 200 ton, two concrete mixers, two masonry saws, stone cutting machine, curing pond, dry-heat sterilizer, pipe- testing machine, concrete core cutter etc. are the most commonly used equipment in this lab. Various tests of cement are carried out in this lab that include initial and final setting time, compressive strength at different ages, sp. gravity test, fineness etc. Tests on brick include efflorescence, salinity, compressive strength, water absorption etc. Other tests are sieve analysis of fine and coarse aggregates, determination of unit weight, fineness, sp. gravity and absorption of fine and coarse aggregates etc. The concrete laboratory also houses two frame testing machine where load test on various scaled down models of frame structures are carried out as part of the research conducted by the faculty members and students. There are a modern computer controlled shaking table and a locally made shaking table that enables students and teachers to conduct research on seismic design of buildings and structures.